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Your 1ST Pinball

Your 1ST Pinball Machine
Congratulations, we hope you enjoy the hobby as much as we do. Did you just get your machine and don't know where to start? Don't know what a bumper skirt is? This page is devoted to helping you get the parts you need without the pinball jargon that can sometimes be associated with any hobby. We have listed our recommendations for what we feel you need for cleaning and fixing your game to make it be a part of your home (to some even a member of their family). Things are listed in our order of importance.

Of course we recommend a manual/schematic as your first purchase. Not only is the manual useful, a lot of the manuals have great looking graphics on the front cover. Manuals are normally under $20.00.

A new Pinball (or balls if your game supports Multi-Ball). The two worst enemies for destroying a pinball playfield are an old ball and not cleaning/waxing it. Each new pinball is $1.60.

A new rubber ring kit is necessary, if your games rubber looks yellowed, grayed, has no bounce, or is cracking, it needs replacing. The Pinball Resource custom creates rubber ring kits and knows just what size rings and the quantity you need them in. All you need to specify is your game name.
Average cost per game is $17.00.

Is your game very dirty? If so, your probably need some Novus. We currently have a starter set of Novus available, it contains a bottle of Novus #1, Novus #2, and Novus #3 (all 8 oz) and a 6-Pack of Polish Mates for $19.95.

Every game needs light bulbs, whether there are some out or the tips are black/burnt, they need to be replaced. You keep spare light bulbs in your home, you need spare light bulbs for your game. Most pinball machine use #44/#47 bulbs. We recommend replacing #44 bulbs with #47 to reduce the heat/voltage requirements. The #47 lamps are sold in box of 10 and cost $2.00 a box.


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